Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last year I was obsessed with the adorable handmade garlands I got on Etsy. I was all aflutter with the vision of how perfectly festive they would look on our Christmas tree. Well, turns out our Christmas was a little less Norman Rockwell and a little more demolition disaster zone, we never even got around to buying a tree let alone decorating it. So my cute little garlands did their best to brighten the old office (click to see new) for a while and have since been moved to some decorate branches where they have remained.

This year they will make it to the tree and I guess you could say I'm a little excited. It's silly to write about different places to purchase such garlands, with the help of a sewing machine and some old paper you could very easily do it yourself, but if you're lacking in such machinery, as I am, here are some links to very creative (and slightly more labor intensive) garlands. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I covet the Emerson Made garland (and all of their other products, and the owners' house, and ...)
