Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who's Cooler Than..

Bill Cunningham.  I've been a fan of his charming videos on for years.  Mr. Cunningham bikes around Manhattan and takes wonderfully candid street fashion photos, then edits them into short themed videos with the most passionate and whimsical narration you've ever heard.  It's hard not to adore this man.

Image from the

When we first moved to San Francisco I wouldn't let myself watch his videos because they made me too home sick!!  While I still don't live in New York, they're the perfect touch of the streets of a city near to my heart.  If you've never watched his stuff, check some of them out.

 Image from Peachy Cool Wow

I'm clearly a fan, though I really don't know much about Bill Cunningham's story, so I was very excited to hear there's been a documentary made about his life.  Can't wait to see it!  Fashion is aarmor.  Love it.

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